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After all that’s taken care of, you can use what’s left to select your electronics - or start saving again to gradually upgrade your system over time. This is why I recommend dedicating the bulk of your system budget to speakers and sub(s) you can currently afford, then to optimizing your room, and finally to room EQ. The effect on the overall sound of every other piece of gear pales by comparison. If you’re assembling an audio system from scratch, consider the four things that will most affect its sound quality: 1) how well the music you play has been recorded and mastered, 2) the speakers and subwoofer(s), 3) the room, and 4) equalization (EQ), which these days is usually performed by room-correction software. So - how does someone who doesn’t know where to start go about this? In this first article on the subject, I discuss the first steps that need to be taken to add a sub to an existing system, or to buy an all-new 2.1-channel system. This is due not only to the fact that subs are designed to reproduce only the low bass, but also because their placement in a room can be much more easily optimized to serve their intended purpose.

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2) Dollar for dollar, the quality of bass produced by a good subwoofer easily outclasses the quality of bass from a good or even a great speaker. It’s only in the last year or so of my 30-year audio journey that I’ve realized two things: 1) The sound produced by all but the most expensive and extreme speakers will benefit from the reinforcement provided by a subwoofer - few speakers of any stripe can produce useful output down to 20Hz, the lower limit of human hearing.

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Although I’m now a big fan of using a powered subwoofer or two with a stereo pair of loudspeakers, as I explained in a May 1 article on this site, I’m a recent convert to the practice.

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